Who are we?

Bertha and Maite Bermúdez have collaborated since 2005 in their joint search for new ways of relating dance and cinema . They found a strong common interest in the possibility of developing new formats of visual representation of dance by searching for  new possible cinematographic languages where movement is the driving force.

In their productions and activities, the relation between dance, movement, images, experiences and the life of those involved is essential for this intime collaboration. Film is not considered a tool for description or history telling but as a sensorial form that allows experiences to be re-enacted.

Searching for new ways to present the hidden lives of dance, movement and their relations to humans and nature are applied throughout the development of all proposed projects.  Borders between reality and fiction between different art forms and ways of presenting them are the artistic intentions of this fruitful collaboration.

Maite Bermúdez

Script writer and film director since 2003, holds an MA in Audiovisual Communication from the Navarra University, a specialization in Script Writing for Cinema and Television from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a title in History of Cinema specialized in documentary from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Since 2006 she teaches script writing at the Film Script Writing for Fiction Postgraduate Programme at ESCAC in Barcelona. Bermudez is since 2008 a member of the selection commity team at the International Film Festival Punto de Vista (Spain). Presently she works as a script writer/analyst and as director of film documentaries and short movies.
Her filmography is: Double Skin/Double Mind (2006), Imagined Hell (2008), Los Incredibles | Purgatorio (2010), Paradiso End Station in post-production now and Horizontes Desplazados in production. Besides these projects she has work under commission as film director for other organizations. She is since 2009 concept developer and film maker at Las Negras productions.

Bertha Bermúdez

Dancer in some of Europe’s leading dance companies, Frankfurt Ballet, Compañia Nacional de Danza in Madrid, and since 1998 with Emio Greco | PC. Having turned towards research work in dance documentation and notation in 2005, Bermúdez has directed and coordinated the interdisciplinary research project (Capturing Intention) and Inside Movement Knowledge both focusing on dance transmission and documentation. Bermudez is since 2007 part of the research group Art Practice and Development, headed by Marijke Hoogenboom, where her interest on the theme Dance Transmission as a source for dance documentation are deeply explored through various research projects. Since 2009, she is the coordinator of the Accademia Mobile section of research and education within Ickamsterdam-Emio Greco | PC, where she develops different projects around transmission, documentation and interaction. A strong relation with cinema has been established through the relationship with Maite as well as through the integral artistic collaboration with film director and photographer Gregory Colbert within the project Ashes and Snow.

Since 2009 she is artistic director of Las Negras Productions.

Foundation board

    -Janine Dijkmeier, Amsterdam (NL)
    -Marijke Hoogenboom, Amsterdam (NL)
    -Igor Mendizabal, Amsterdam (NL)/ Pamplona (SP)
