Film Documentaries

Bi biyilgee the dance of life | interactive film

Changing modes of life, cultures that die and transform, memories that stay firmly written in the bodies. The dancing memories of Mongolian nomads. Displaced Horizons.

To experience the film click here


Imagened Paradiso | 12 min | HD

White curtains, silver, endless spaces no accents. Impressive landscapes and eternity. Paradiso, the end station of dreams where the body looses its earthy quality. How can we dance Paradise? Where do we look? Is it a dream? Or a punishment? The place where movement finishes. Paradiso End Station.


Imagined Purgatorio | 25 min | 2010

Electric guitars, waiting to be judged, performing and being. What is real and what isn’t? The in between space where everything is possible and will lead you up or down. Identity, group, dance, rock, punk is my religion. What the hell is Purgatorio?.


Imagined Hell | 45 min | 2008

Inspiration, understanding, crashing and discovering what is inside a dance creative process. Imagining Hell, a tango of thoughts, dreams, images, sounds and fantasies reflecting and communicating possible representations of Hell.


Double Skin/Double Mind | 56 min | 2006

Mind and body perceived and experienced by two, dancer and camera playing inside the ongoing duality of the human being.
This film documentary is a production of Emio Greco | PC.